Chia Seed – The healthiest food on the planet

September 20, 2015

Despite their small size, these tiny seeds pack a powerful nutritional punch. They are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help to raise HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol that helps protect against heart attack and stroke). Chia seeds are also rich in antioxidants and full of fiber, magnesium, zinc, iron and calcium. Many […]

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Do you need a drink?

August 15, 2015

Most of us are aware of the importance of staying hydrated but many of us fall short on getting enough water every day. Getting our daily dose of fluid keeps our energy up, helps our organs perform their functions, keeps our skin clear and hydrated, and allows physical action in our bodies to flow smoothly. […]

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My Fav Superfoods: Luscious Legumes

July 12, 2015

Beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts are collectively known as legumes, which are plants that have pods with tidy rows of seeds inside. The seeds are the fruit of the plants and are removed from the pod then dried for human and animal consumption. Legumes are known as the food of longevity. These tiny little gems […]

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My Favorite Super Foods: Avocados- Nutritious and Delicious

June 27, 2015

I can’t get enough of this extremely versatile fruit! Often called “alligator pear,” because it tends to be shaped like a pear and have green, bumpy skin… like an alligator. So what, exactly, makes this pear-shaped berry so popular for a healthy diet? Avocados are packed with beneficial nutrients, minerals, and plant compounds. Loaded with fiber, […]

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Magnificent You!

May 30, 2015

It seems to me that it feels acceptable to share our drama, but when it comes to sharing our triumphs or celebrating our successes, it all taboo! What’s up with that? Is it because we have been conditioned that nice girls (or boys) don’t “brag”? Just like the six o’clock news, we are sensationalizing the […]

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My Favorite Super Foods Series

May 9, 2015

I love food and I bet you do too! I also love eating healthy, but I have to admit that it is not always easy to do. While it’s best to make the time to prep for the week, some how that clock just runs out of time. Keeping your kitchen stocked with some essentials […]

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What makes you happy?

April 4, 2015

All too often we go through our days on autopilot. Sure, we may take snippets of time to savor a sunset, hug a loved one, or even day dream about what we want in our lives. But do you really know what makes you happy? I recall a time, not too long ago when I […]

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Spring is a time for rebirth

March 14, 2015

Hello Beautiful People – So often we go through life on autopilot. Have you ever found yourself pulling into your driveway and couldn’t actual recall how you got there because you were so deep in thought? As spring begins to come alive around us, I encourage you to follow suit with nature and awaken your […]

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Happy Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2015

It’s February and the month we celebrate Valentine’s Day. While I’m not into all the commercial hype of Valentine’s Day, I do adore LOVE! And, any opportunity to spread some love works for me. “By taking caring of yourself, you actually take care of those around you.” I first encountered this concept when I was […]

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The Power of NOW

January 1, 2015

Give yourself the gift of your own full presence this year The buzz of the new year is all around us and that usually triggers the resolve to change. Many of us tend to set grandiose ideas of overhauling all aspects of our health and lifestyle only to fall short of these unsustainable goals soon […]

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