September 21, 2016

The simple definition of creativity is the ability to make new things or think new ideas. It is the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, entertaining ourselves and others, or simply making something that pleases us. Even those of us not in […]

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Sitting is the new Smoking

August 14, 2016

We all know that staying active is part of a healthy lifestyle, but many of us are finding ourselves sitting more than ever before. Sitting is being dubbed the new smoking! Our bodies were designed to move and all this sitting is beginning to take a toll on our health. Finding the time to exercise is […]

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Summertime is Salad Time

July 10, 2016

Why is it that in the summer we naturally crave more fresh and raw foods? These foods have a cooling effect on the body. The lightness and high water, fiber and vitamin content work together to act as our internal air conditioning during these warm months. At this time of year we also need less […]

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What’s your back-up plan?

June 20, 2016

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I spent this past Sunday planning, stocking up, and prepping our meals for the week. It is not always easy to squeeze this into the weekend but I try to do this every Sunday. Why? Because not only does it make the week easier and less […]

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Follow your JOY…….

April 19, 2016

Are you allowing space for joy into your life? I recently heard Kris Carr, author of Crazy Sexy Kitchen, speak in an interview and she said something that struck me as simply profound. She said, “the purpose of life is JOY”. According to Robert Holden, “Joy is your spiritual DNA. It is woven into the fabric […]

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Over Fed Yet Under Nourished

March 12, 2016

What does being healthy mean to you? It’s not just about eating healthy or being at your ideal weight, but more about creating a lifestyle that embodies wellbeing. We need to expand our view of health and wellness and look at all the ways we nourish ourselves. According to the dictionary, nourishment is the food […]

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Are you tickled pink?

January 16, 2016

I’m sure you have probably heard the saying that laughter is the best medicine. Interestingly, it is believed that the quote originated from the bible, “A merry heart doeth good like medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones”. So this wisdom has been around for a while. When was the last time you had […]

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529,600 Minutes

December 19, 2015

How do you measure YOUR year? If you think about it, every minute of life is a unique gift. Like a snowflake, there will never be another moment quite like this ever again. On the outside, the environment and circumstances will always be different, sometimes similar but different nonetheless. Internally, we are ever changing and […]

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The Power of Kindness

November 21, 2015

I recently attended the #2015DFK event in Red Bank NJ.  Dance for Kindness is a worldwide event that celebrates and raises awareness of kindness. Held in 100 cities in 50 different countries around the world on the same day, thousands of people gathered to perform a freeze mob/flash mob to the same song and dance.  […]

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Are you getting enough ZZZs ??

October 20, 2015

Humans, like all animals, need sleep, along with food, water and oxygen, to survive. Sleep is a key nutrient to good health. Most people think they are getting enough sleep, and more often than not, they think sleep is something they can give up without any consequences. Although shortchanging your ZZZs will not kill you, […]

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