Are you tired of riding the diet roller coaster?


Do you ever feel like something is missing in your life?

Do you feel like things need to change but you don’t know where to start?

Imagine what it would feel like to be healthy and vibrant, in a body that you LOVE, while doing things that bring you JOY!

Does this sound like you?

You’ve been on every diet out there but you still can’t seem to lose any weight. With all the conflicting do’s and don’ts out there, you are just downright confused about what to eat.

You are tired of feeling tired and “weighed” down, and you often struggle just to make it through the day.

You frequently feel out of control and ruled by your cravings even though you promised yourself that you weren’t going to have another threesome with Ben & Jerry.

You often feel consumed by doing things for everyone else and that you have moments when you don’t recognize the woman staring back at you in the mirror. Heck, you might not even remember the last time you pampered yourself.

Your inner critic has taken a front seat in your head and makes you panic at the thought of standing naked in front of the mirror. You often struggle with accepting compliments with grace.

The good news is that you are here and I can help you make a change.

Have you ever considered that your excess weight could actually be a “symptom” of other things missing in your life?

Or, perhaps your constant busy work may be due to your fear of sitting quietly with your own needs.

If you are anything like I was, you are probably falling prey to the waiting game. It goes like this: I’ll be happy when I lose 10 lbs., get a new job, find a new mate, have a baby, blah-blah-blah!! This mindset puts your happiness on hold and robs you of your life.

Believe me, I am all for setting and achieving goals but NEVER at the expense of living right NOW!

So how did this happen?

You’ve been picking up messages from the world around you since you were born. These messages formed the basis of your belief systems. Unfortunately, not all of your beliefs are self-serving and can keep you stuck. That is, unless you consciously change them.

Here’s the best news – you are not alone.

Can you imagine what you would feel like if you:

  • finally shed that extra weight, without giving up your favorite foods, including chocolate?
  • had tons energy to do the things you love to do?
  • felt in control of YOUR life!
  • woke up each morning feeling vibrant and alive?
  • felt more confident than ever before!

My name is Lorraine Smith and I help busy, stressed out women just like you live healthy, vibrant, happy lives.

As a board certified Holistic Health Coach, I create a safe space for my clients and teach them how to overcome these challenges.

I will help guide you as you learn to live your truth and nourish your soul. In doing so, you will shed those unwanted pounds, gain back your energy and feel more confident than ever before.

If you are ready to start living the life that you know you were meant to live, schedule a Breakthrough Session with me.

Not ready to jump in yet? Let me send you my free Every Day Nourishment – 10 Tips on How to Fulfill Your Mind, Body and Soul that is specifically made to help.